Bericht vom Jahr 2005
Durchbruch gelungen
Am 7.12.2005 wurde von den Vorständen der gemeinnützigen, mildtätigen und eingetragenen Vereine "Santhana Lama Niwasaya" in Sri Lanka und "Wir für Menschen e.V." in Deutschland der Grundlagenvertrag (Memorandum of Understanding) zeitgleich unterzeichnet (15Uhr Ortszeit Deutschland und 20Uhr Ortszeit Sri Lanka).
Hierin werden die Grundsätze einer langfristigen Zusammenarbeit mit den Schwerpunkten "Gebäudeneubau" und "Patenschaften für die Waisenkinder" manifestiert. Das Herzstück des Dokuments ist die von beiden Vereinen getragene Vision und Mission, hier im original Wortlaut wiedergegeben:

In the St. Anne’s Children Home we create an environment where the girls and boys can thrive, enjoy their childhood and youth and receive an education as a solid basis for their future development. It will become one of the most admired children’s homes in the country.
Mit diesem Dokument wurde der Grundstein für eine langjähirge Partnerschaft gelegt und dem Neubau steht jetzt nichts mehr im Weg. 19 von 32 Patenschaften sind schon unter Dach und Fach.

und hier weitere Auszüge aus dem "Memorandum of Understanding", auf Wunsch schicken wir Ihnen auch das komplette Dokument:
Memorandum of Understanding
In St. Anne’s Children Home 32 girls and boys live in a small old house. More space is needed urgently to ensure the children can develop nicely. A new building is planned and was partly started, but there is no more funds are available in cash and kind to complete it. The plot of land is big enough and an ideal basis to be developed. Currently there is no regular money flow to ensure proper operation of the home and education of the children.
Santhana Maw Sewana exists since May 6, 1995. It was approved and registered by the Department of Child care and Probation of North Western Provinc on March 23, 2005 under the registration number NWP / PCS / 28 and the certificate was issued on April 08 , 2005 .They have , a constitution, a Board of Directors , Administrative Structure and the necessary staff to operate the existing facility in Lunawila, owned by Rev. Fr. Frank Tissera.
The name indicated above , Santhana Maw Sewana has been changed to read as SANTHANA LAMA NIWASAYA and obtained the consent from the Board of Directors for same. Amending the name of the Institution does not carry any changes to the primary objectives and the constitution .The change of the name has been made , solely for better meaningful concept. Santhana Maw Sewana stands for the English meaning as … Santhana Mother’s Home …. , but …SANTHANA LAMA NIWASAYA will stand for the meaning …Santhana Childrens’ Home . In short it finds easy to called it as …SALANI .
“Wir für Menschen” ( WE FOR PEOPLE ) was founded on June 30, 2005 in Florstadt/Germany. It is a registered non-profit organization with a constitution in place. Their primary goal is to help people who are disadvantaged.
Both parties share one vision and mission and it is hereby mutually agreed and declared by and between the parties hereto as follows :
In the St. Anne’s Children Home we create an environment where the girls and boys can thrive, enjoy their childhood and youth and receive an education as a solid basis for their future development. It will become one of the most admired children’s homes in the country.
- SALANI shall hold responsible for the proper and trustworthy operation of the home and the development of the children according to our joint vision.
- WIR FUR MENSCHEN ( WFM ) will provide funding for the right wing of the new building for the children including the central stairway hall (refer plan) up to a maximum of SLRS: 4.000.000 ( RS 4.0 Mn ) matching the amount needed as outlined in the existing construction proposal. Payments are processed according to the progress of the construction work in 4 phases (ground floor, second floor, roof, finishing)
- Seeks for additional sponsors to complete the construction of the new right wing, if the estimates are exceeded on beyond control and to improve the building and the facility.
- Seeks foster parents for the children to finance operation of the home and the education of the children. The goal is to find foster parents for all children and even more.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the said, affixed their common seals and the parties set their hands to those present and to one another ,
Founder Director / Chairman
Managing Director
Santhana Lama Niwasaya ,
Lunuwila/Sri Lanka
At Sri Lanka , Lunuwila ………, this day of ………………... in the year 2005.
Managing Director
Wir für Menschen
At Germany, Florstadt …………., this day of ………… … in this year 2005.
Witness : 1 ................................................. 1 ..........................................
2 ................................................. 2 ..........................................